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5 ChatGpt plugins to stay away from

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5 ChatGpt plugins to stay away from

robort - 2023-05-23 00:15:02

ChatGpt plugins are raining everywhere. From tools that allow you to create personalized playlists on Spotify to those capable of summarizing the contents of a web page from a url link, there are now about seventy plugins that promise to improve the OpenAI chatbot functionality.

But not everything is now what glitters, and not all of them are really functional. That is why we have decided to compile here 5 plugins that do not do what they promise at all, and from which it would be better to stay away.


The ChatWithVideo plugin is reportedly able to use the information and metadata of a video to provide a summary of it, analyze its content and then answer specific questions such as " What are people saying in the comments? ". A useful tool to summarize the content of particularly long videos on YouTube or to quickly retrieve the reactions of viewers. But ChatWithVideo doesn't seem to do either well. 

According to what reported by Mashable, in fact, the plugin is not really able to summarize videos longer than an hour. And it is not even capable of processing content that is too old, because its knowledge stops in September 2021. In short, she promises well, but keeps nothing.


Algorithma is a fun plugin that promises to give users a gaming experience very similar to that of The Sims or Animal Crossing. In reality, however, it is limited to creating a child character who can perform rather simple actions such as playing, trying to say a first word, crawling around the house or taking a nap. 

Choosing one of these options involves an increase in the happiness, health, appearance or intelligence of the character, but without giving great satisfaction to users, given that Algorithma limits itself to making the game experience live only through updates in text form .


RoboAd is a ChatGpt plugin designed to analyze the content of an ecommerce and generate advertisements for the products on sale. A function not very different from that proposed by the OpenAI chatbot, which is able to generate ads even without the support of a plugin. 

Seen in this light, RoboAd is a tool that adds nothing in particular to the user experience, despite the fact that it promises to create “compelling titles , descriptions and calls to action ”.


Ambition is a plugin designed to help users search for job postings . Developed by the RemoteAmbition company, this tool would appear to be able to extract ads from search engines that perfectly match the characteristics (and needs) of users. 

The result, however, would seem anything but exciting. The ads collected by the plugin are few, and far from in line with the skills of the user. Word of those who have obtained ads for the search for a home cook or a masseur.

Portfolio Pilot

If you are looking for financial advice , Portfolio Pilot is undoubtedly the perfect ChatGpt plugin for you. According to the description of the tool, this "automatically improves the portfolio by applying the best recommendation based on the risk profile ". 

But does it really? Probably yes, but not without jeopardizing your safety. First of all, the risk is that the chatbot makes your banking information public, thus creating many problems for you. 

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Robort Gabriel

Lagos, Nigeria

Freelance Web Developer, Native Android Developer, and Coding Tutor.

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