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ChatGPT chooses Bing as its official search engine, thanks to the collaboration with Microsoft

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ChatGPT chooses Bing as its official search engine, thanks to the collaboration with Microsoft

robort - 2023-05-30 05:55:17

OpenAI has announced that Bing, Microsoft's search engine, will be the default search experience for ChatGPT, one of the most sophisticated language models developed by OpenAI. The new search feature will initially be rolled out to ChatGPT Plus users and will soon be made available to all free ChatGPT users via a plug-in.

The Power of Collaboration: Microsoft and OpenAI

Choosing to use Bing as the default search experience for ChatGPT is testament to the close collaboration between Microsoft and OpenAI. Yusuf Mehdi, head of consumer marketing at Microsoft, said in his blog post:

“Central to our progress with the new Bing is our fantastic partnership with OpenAI. ChatGPT will now have a world-class search engine integrated to provide more timely and up-to-date responses with web access.”

In the same way that the Bing chat experience is powered by GPT-4 and uses mentions for connections, OpenAI's ChatGPT AI chatbot AI will integrate search and web data that also includes mentions. This expands ChatGPT's ability to provide accurate, timely responses based on a large body of web data.

This integration represents a significant success for Bing, particularly after Samsung recently decided to keep Google as its default search engine, despite rumors suggesting a possible transition to Bing.

chat gpt bing

Interoperability of plug-ins and strengthening of partnership

This new feature follows Microsoft's expanded partnership with OpenAI, which resulted in a "multi-billion dollar investment" from Microsoft earlier this year. The collaboration has already produced impressive results and the integration of Bing with ChatGPT promises further developments.

Additionally, Microsoft is committed to using the same open plug-in standard used by OpenAI for ChatGPT. This will allow for interoperability between plug-ins for Bing Chat, Microsoft's Copilot platform and ChatGPT. This move underscores the potential of open technologies and the two companies' willingness to create an ecosystem where different technologies can work harmoniously together.

The future of ChatGPT looks promising thanks to the integration with Bing. We look forward to seeing how this collaboration between Microsoft and OpenAI will continue to bring innovation and value to ChatGPT users.

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Robort Gabriel

Lagos, Nigeria

Freelance Web Developer, Native Android Developer, and Coding Tutor.

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