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2 - Python Boolean datatype

2 - Python Boolean datatype

Home > Tutorials > Python for beginners > Python Datatypes

In Python, a Boolean is a data type that can have only two values: True or False. These values are often used to keep track of yes/no questions or on/off switches.

Here's an example:

is_raining = False

if is_raining:
    print("Bring an umbrella!")
    print("No need for an umbrella today.")

In this example, the is_raining variable is assigned the value False, which means it is not currently raining.

So when we check the value of is_raining in the if statement, the else block is executed and "No need for an umbrella today." is printed.

Boolean values are also often used with comparison operators to compare two values and see if they are equal, greater than, or less than each other. For example:

a = 5
b = 3

if a > b:
    print(a, "is greater than", b)

In this example, the if statement checks if the value of a is greater than the value of b, and since 5 is indeed greater than 3, the if block is executed and "5 is greater than 3" is printed.



  1. What is the value of the is_raining variable in the first example?
    • A) True
    • B) False
    • C) "Bring an umbrella!"
    • D) "No need for an umbrella today."
  2. What does the Boolean value True mean in Python?

    • A) It represents a value that is the opposite of False

    • B) It represents a value that is the same as False

    • C) It represents a value that is a non-zero number

    • D) It represents a value that is the result of a successful comparison or operation

  3. What does the Boolean value False mean in Python?

    • A) It represents a value that is the opposite of True

    • B) It represents a value that is the same as True

    • C) It represents a value that is a non-zero number

    • D) It represents a value that is the result of an unsuccessful comparison or operation

  4. Which of the following is NOT a valid Boolean value in Python?

    • A) False

    • B) 0

    • C) true

    • D) None

  5. Which of the following statements is true about Boolean values in Python?

    • A) The bool type can only represent two values: True and False

    • B) The bool type can represent any non-zero number as True

    • C) The bool type can only represent two values: 1 and 0

    • D) The bool type can represent any value as either True or False


Robort Gabriel

Lagos, Nigeria

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