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HTML Elements

HTML Elements are the building block of a webpage. We use HTML to define the structure of our HTML document. In this chapter, we will learn different types of HTML and how to create HTML elements on our webpages.

Audio in HTML

Audio in HTML

With HTML, it is also possible to insert audio and video into pages with ease. For audio, we can use the audio tag. In the audio tag, the...

Date: 2022-11-03 06:16:53

HTML Video Element

HTML Video Element

Similar to audio, we can also insert videos into HTML pages using the video tag, added in HTML5. This time, in addition to the attributes...

Date: 2022-11-03 06:20:20

HTML Element: iFrame

HTML Element: iFrame

HTML has an element called iframe that allows you to display a frame with the flow of the page, similar to displaying an image on the page. Let�...

Date: 2022-11-03 06:30:03

HTML Element <pre>

HTML Element <pre>

The HTML "pre" element allows us to display all the information that is contained between the start and end marks just as we have written...

Date: 2022-11-03 06:32:21


Robort Gabriel

Lagos, Nigeria

Freelance Web Developer, Native Android Developer, and Coding Tutor.

  • UI / UX
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • PHP
  • Kotlin
  • Java
  • Bootrap
  • Android
  • Laravel