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change HTML style with Javascript

change HTML style with Javascript

Home > Tutorials > JavaScript > DOM Manipulation

HTML DOM allows JavaScript to change the style of HTML elements. 

Below is the syntax to modify the style of an html element using JavaScript style properties.

Syntax: style;


Take a look at the code below:

We used JavaScript to Change the style of the <p> element.

  • Change the color to white.
  • Font size to 40px.
  • Background color to tomato:
<p id="pcon">Hello World!</p>
        var mychar = document.getElementById("pcon"); = "white"; = "40px"; = "tomato";


javascript change style html

Task - Exercise 19

Now let's change the CSS style of the element in the HTML:

1. Supply the code on line 12, modify the style of the h2 tag, and set the color to red.

2. Supply the code on line 13, modify the style of the h2 tag, and set the background color to gray (#CCC).

3.Supply the code on line 14, modify the style of the h2 tag, and set the width to 300px.

Task Code

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
  <h2 id="con">I love JavaScript</H2>
  <script type="text/javascript">
    var mychar = document. getElementById("con");




Robort Gabriel

Lagos, Nigeria

Freelance Web Developer, Native Android Developer, and Coding Tutor.

  • UI / UX
  • JavaScript
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  • Kotlin
  • Java
  • Bootrap
  • Android
  • Laravel